Community Events

These events are organized by our community partners and many take place off-campus. If you are hosting an event related to the Himalaya Region or Himalayan Community and you would like us to advertise it here, please send us an email at with all relevant information.

Upcoming Events

  • Dreams of Equality and Nepal’s Federal Constitution: Experiences of Indigenous Peoples and Marginalized Communities

    8th Apr 2025 5:30:pm at CK Choi Bldg, Room 120

    Register here: Abstract:  Equality is one of the cherished dreams of ordinary people in Nepal. This is expressed in various registers, from everyday folk prose and songs to high political aspirations. The 2015 Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal promised equality to its citizens in several forms. On the eve of the...


Past Events

Amitabha Empowerment & Phowa Oral Instruction by Khenchen Pema Sherab Rinpoche

July 16, 2023

Event Details

  • Date: July 16, 2023
  • Time:
    • 10:00-11:30 am Amitabha Empowerment
    • 1:00-2:30 pm Phowa Oral Instruction
  • Address: Riverside Banquet Halls 1231 Burdette St #135, Richmond, BC V6V 2Z2
  • Parking: Onsite Parking Lot
  • Categories:

Khenchen Pema Sherab Rinpoche

Khenchen Pema Sherab Rinpoche was born in 1936, at Riphu, a village in Dege Jomda, Kham Province, Tibet. When he was eight, as a cowboy, he studied reading and writing Tibetan from his uncle Lama Chozang. At fourteen, he went to Lhasa and studied under many masters and scholars of all the traditions of Tibetan Buddhism. While receiving teachings, he rendered loyal service to his teachers and exerted complete enthusiasm in study.

In 1953, Zhechen Kongtrul Rinpoche bestowed upon him the novice vow. In 1959, he fled to India. He met H.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche and received most of Rinpoche’s writings, as well as many teachings including the Guhyagarbha Root Tantra, Longchenpa’s Treasury of Pith Instructions, Kagyud Ngag Dzod (Treasury of Tantra teachings of the Kagyud Lineage), Rinchen Terdzod (Treasury of terma teachings), Jigmed Lingpa’s Yonten Dzod (Treasury of Enlightened Qualities), Lochen Dharmashri’s Explanation on Ngari Panchen’s Three Vows entitled, ‘the Fruit of the Wish-fulfilling Tree’, Paltrul Rinpoche’s Words of My Perfect Teacher, and many other sutras and tantras.

On various occasions, he received many teachings from H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche and H.H. Pema Norbu Rinpoche. These include the Rinchen Terdzod empowerments and oral transmission. He also had the privilege to receive Jang-ter (the Northern Treasure Teachings) from H.H. Taglung Tsetrul Rinpoche.

In 1968, His Holiness Penor Rinpoche invited Khenchen Pema Sherab Rinpoche to Namdroling Monastery to expound Dharma teachings. Although the Ngagyur Nyingma Institute was not yet established, Khenchen spent a few years teaching the common and uncommon traditional fields of study to young monks at Namdroling. Since the establishment of NNI in 1978 until the present day, Khenchen has been teaching the students in the institute out of compassion and kindness. He has wholeheartedly rendered priceless service to NNI and the monastery. All in all, he has taken the responsibility to manage the institute with great compassion to this day. Hence his kindness is inexpressible.

Having mastered the three baskets of Buddha’s teachings, Khenchen has been teaching many different sutras and tantras, as well as the traditional topics of Tibetan grammar and poetry. Khenchen observes strictly the monk’s vow, the very base of all spiritual attainments, and he has conferred the vows on monks and nuns from NNI and many others from around the world.

Not only does Khenchen teach all the levels of sutras and tantras, but he has also composed many books for the benefit of future generations. Khenchen’s writings include a biography of Guru Padmasambhava, an exposition on the Two Truths, the Typology of Mind, the Dialectical syllogism, the Sun of Mind; an exposition of Logic and many more.

Registration (In-Person Only)

*Limited Space

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