Past Events

Download our Winter Term 1 2019 Event Series Poster.

Download our Winter Term 2 2017 Event Series Poster.

  • Are Tibetans Indigenous? The Political Stakes and Potentiality of the Translation of Indigeneity

    22nd Nov 2024 6:00 

    The recording of the livestream is available here: Abstract: How does settler-colonial imperialism operate in Asia, and what are the ways in which Asian Indigeneities become mobilised? To address this question, in 2017, I brought together scholars who are observing various settler-colonial and imperial dynamics and developments across Asia for a panel discussion titled...

  • Pandemic Return, Reintegration and Re-migration of Nepali Migrant Workers

    22nd May 2024 6:00 

    Register Here. Abstract: The vulnerability of temporary migrant workers became dramatically visible during the global pandemic as an unprecedented number were forced to return to their home countries. This research uses the case of Nepal, a highly remittance-dependent economy (remittances accounting for around 27% of the GDP) to study the consequences of the large-scale return...

  • Bhutan’s Road to Multi-Party Democracy: The Fourth National Election

    5th Mar 2024 5:30 

    Register Here.  Bhutan held its first democratic elections in 2008, transitioning from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy. The elections led to the establishment of the National Assembly (Lower House) and the National Council (Upper House). The 4th National Assembly elections were held on 30 November 2023 and 9 January 2024. Former prime minister...

  • Urban growth and social vulnerability in the Kathmandu Valley

    24th Jan 2024 5:30 

    Register Here.   Abstract: In our rapidly urbanizing world, many hazard-prone regions face significant challenges regarding risk-informed urban planning and decision-making. This talk addresses this issue by investigating evolving spatial interactions between natural hazards (earthquakes, floods and liquefaction), ever-increasing urban areas, and social vulnerability in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. This study emphasizes an urgent need to...

  • Between Canada and Nepal: Reflections on Development, Change, and Learning in the Himalaya

    18th Oct 2023 5:30 

      The people and cultures of Nepal are Frances’ reason for staying to utilize her skills and knowledge. She has worked for a variety of development organizations, documenting good practices and results of programs. She started reflecting on how to help those left out from conventional assistance, and how to work with social norms and...

  • The Sakya Jetsunmas–The Hidden World of Tibetan Female Lamas

    27th Sep 2023 5:30 

    Please join us for a lecture about extraordinary Tibetan female lamas, daughters of the prestigious spiritual Khon family of Sakya, Tibet. Professor Elisabeth Benard will discuss her trailblazing book, The Sakya Jetsunmas: The Hidden World of Tibetan Female Lamas, the first full treatment in any language of the important role of remarkable women in the history and development of the Sakya school of Tibetan Buddhism.

  • Writing and Resistance with Tenzin Tsundue (Co-sponsored with Tibetan Cultural Society of BC)

    7th May 2023 3:00 

    Please join us in CK Choi Building, Room 120 (1855 West Mall) at 3:00pm May 7, 2023 for a reading and Q&A with Tenzin Tsundue. To help with catering and to abide with current regulations, please register here: or follow the QR code:      སྦི་སི་བོད་མིའི་རིག་གཞུང་ཚོགས་པ་དང་ཡུ་སྦི་སི་ཧི་མ་ལ་ཡའི་ལས་གཞི་གཉིས་ཀྱིས་མཉམ་འབྲེལ་ཐོག་སྐུ་ཉིད་བོད་ཀྱི་རྩོམ་པ་པོ་དང་། སྙན་ངག་པ། ལས་འགུལ་བ་བསྟན་འཛིན་བརྩོན་འགྲུས་ཀྱི་དེབ། “ཁྱིམ་ཚང་ཟེར་བ་མེད།”ཞེས་པའི་དཔེ་དེབ་དབུ་འབྱེད་དང་ཀློག་འདོན་བྱེད་པར་གདན་ཞུ་བྱེད་བཞིན་ཡོད།   The Tibetan Cultural Society...

  • Workshop – Biodegradable Blessings: Prayer Flags and Ephemeral Materiality in Indigenous Himalayas

    17th Apr 2023 12:30 

    This event is hybrid. However you choose to attend, please  register here. In person attendees will be asked to follow all current UBC pandemic health guidelines in response to COVID 19. In person attendees can join us in the Asian Studies Auditorium – 1871 West Mall, Vancouver, BC | V6T 1Z2. This interdisciplinary workshop will connect three...

  • Global Indigenous Leadership On Climate Action

    11th Apr 2023 3:45 

    Please join us at the Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre (1985 Learners’ Walk). For more information and registration, please click here.     In face of intensifying social and ecological crises, this conference asks how we might navigate colonial institutions – from universities to the UN – in ways that question their presumed...

  • Appropriation, Conflation & Abstraction: Mara’s Three Daughters in Tibetan Art

    9th Feb 2023 5:30 

    The recording of the livestream is available here: Please join us in in Room 120, CK Choi Building (1855 West Mall) on Thursday, February 9 at 5:30 pm PST. To ensure that our event abides by the current provincial health guidelines at the time, please register here: The Daughter’s of Mara refers to the...

  • Uncivilized City: Urban Tibetans and China’s State-led Urbanization

    29th Nov 2022 5:30 

    Please join us in Room 120 of the CK Choi Building (1855 West Mall). To help with ordering catering and to abide byin-person regulations in accordance with BC Covid guidelines, please register for the event here: This talk provides an in-depth exploration of Tibetans’ experiences with urban life in the growing city of Xining,...

  • Ningwasum: Film Screening and Q&A with Director Subash Thebe Limbu

    19th Oct 2022 6:00 

    Please join us in the 7000 Earl & Jennie Lohn Policy Room at SFU Harbour Centre. The in-person event will be following the  provincial health guidelines at the time. Doors will open at 5:30pm, and light refreshments will be served. To help with the ordering of refreshments, please specify whether you will be attending registering...

  • We Measure the Earth with Our Bodies: Book Launch Event with Tsering Yangzom Lama

    19th May 2022 5:00 

    The recording of the livestream is available here: This event will be both an in-person event with refreshments provided, and a livestream of the in-person event.  The in-person event will be following the University of British Columbia and provincial health guidelines at the time. Please specify whether you will be attending the in-person event...

  • Reconnecting to the Himalaya: Connection and Conflict, A Roundtable Discussion with UBC Graduate Students

    28th Mar 2022 5:30 

    Please register on Eventbrite here: This event is currently scheduled to happen in-person, and is subject to change depending on UBC and British Columbia health guidelines. Refreshments will be provided. How do students from the Himalayan region reflect on their experience of knowledge acquisition and their changing positionalities in Western academia? Drawing on a...

  • Gender in Himalayan Buddhism: Glacial Shifts in Attitudes and Institutions

    7th Mar 2022 6:00 

    Join us in the Inaugural UBC Himalaya Program Annual Lecture! The recording of the event is available here: The very mention of Himalayan Buddhism conjures visions of an exotic tradition. A gong reverberating amidst resonant baritone voices. A red-robed monk gliding serenely off into the sunset. Delightful young acolytes giggling and blowing bubbles. But...

  • Making Markets and Valuing Natures in a Himalayan ‘Frontier’

    16th Feb 2022 6:00 

    The recording of the event is now available here: Popular representations of Nepal’s Jumla district have undergone a significant shift over the last decade. Long characterized as economically backward, unproductive and food scarce, the mountainous district is today celebrated as a site of newfound ‘green’ value. Jumla’s largely chemical-free, biodiverse agroecologies have been reframed...

  • RESCHEDULED: Gender Justice in Nepal: Political Power and Dignified Menstruation

    26th Jan 2022 6:00 

    This event has been rescheduled to Wednesday, January 26, 2022 from 6:00 to 7:30 pm PST (Thursday, January 27, 2022 from 7:45 to 9:15 am Nepal Standard Time). To view the recording of the event, please visit the following link: Join us in conversation with trade unionist and member of the Federal Parliament of...

  • Welcome Back Virtual Reception

    22nd Sep 2021 5:30 

    Please click on the following link to view the recording of the event’s introduction and a musical performance by Vancouver-based Tibetan music group Lhaksam Metok: In lieu of an in-person reception, the UBC Himalaya Program is hosting an informal virtual get together for all UBC faculty, staff, and students who are interested in and/or...

  • Responding with Care: Tibetan Community Experiences of COVID-19 in Canada

    30th Mar 2021 3:00 

    Please go to the following link to view the recording of this event: Marking one year since COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, the UBC Himalaya Program is hosting a virtual roundtable discussion with four members of the Tibetan-Canadian community to reflect on how they have responded with care to the pandemic. Date: Tuesday, March...

  • The Becoming: a photo story of young working class masculinities in Nepal

    26th Feb 2021 5:00 

    Please go to the following link to view the recording of this event: This virtual event will be held on Zoom. All registered participants will receive a Zoom link one week before the event. Please join us for the next Himalaya Program virtual event! Daisy Yang will share her work with us in this...

  • Himalayan Research in the time of COVID-19: Views from Canada

    13th Nov 2020 12:30 

    Please go to the following link to view the recording of the event: The event will be held on Zoom. Please register for the event here. The Zoom link will be emailed to you one week before the event. Himalayan Research in the time of COVID-19: Views from Canada Featuring a panel of graduate...

  • POSTPONED: Young Masculinities: Surveying Kathmandu’s Rapid Growth and its Social Implications

    14th Apr 2020 5:30 

    RESCHEDULED: This event was postponed and will be happening instead on February 26, 2021. For details about the rescheduled event, please click here. Young Masculinities: Surveying Kathmandu’s Rapid Growth and its Social Implications A Photo Project by Daisy Yang, Independent Documentary Photographer Groups of young men come flocking into the burgeoning Himalayan metropolis of Kathmandu...

  • POSTPONED: Improving Educational Opportunities for Ordained Tibetan Women: A Thirty Year Project

    12th Mar 2020 5:30 

    POSTPONED: This event with Elizabeth Napper will be rescheduled at a later date. We will update this page once a future date has been decided. We apologize for the inconvenience. Abstract The Tibetan Nuns Project was founded in 1987 and became active in 1990. Over the years we were able to encourage nunneries of all...

  • Parks vs People: An Unresolved Conflict in Nepal

    14th Jan 2020 5:30 

    Parks vs People: An Unresolved Conflict in Nepal A talk by Shradha Ghale, Journalist At a time when biodiversity loss threatens humanity, few can deny the importance of protecting forests and wildlife. But what measures are being used to achieve the goal of conservation and how do they affect people at the margins? This talk...

  • Infrastructures of Occupation: Dams, Development, and the Politics of Integration in Kashmir

    25th Nov 2019 5:00 

    Dr. Mona Bhan, Associate Professor of Anthropology at Syracuse University, will be giving a talk that analyzes the relationship between dam building, border wars, and India’s settler colonial politics in Kashmir, particularly in the aftermath of the removal of Articles 370 and 35A that maintained Kashmir’s semi-autonomous status in the Indian union. Dr. Bhan will...

  • Clerical Privileges and the Jurisdiction of the Buddhist Clergy: Do They Exist?

    15th Nov 2019 5:00 

    Abstract The demarcation and maintenance of jurisdictional boundaries between religious institutions and lay society have been at the center of the conflict between religion and the state since the formation of early Buddhism. Drawing on cases presented in Buddhist legal texts (Vinaya) from six different traditions preserved in Sanskrit, Pāli, Chinese, and Tibetan, Cuilan Liu...

  • Book Launch: The Politics of Language Contact in the Himalaya

    20th Sep 2019 3:00 

    Join us for the launch of The Politics of Language Contact in the Himalaya, a volume co-edited by Wall Scholar Mark Turin and Political Scientist Selma K. Sonntag. The launch event, generously hosted by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies at UBC, will feature introductory comments from editors Selma Sonntag and Mark Turin, a...

  • Language Politics and Policy in South Asia and the Himalaya

    19th Sep 2019 5:30 

    On September 19th, join the UBC Himalaya Program in welcoming Selma K. (“Sam”) Sonntag to UBC campus for a talk on Language Politics and Policy in South Asia and the Himalaya. This event is Co-Sponsored by the UBC Himalaya Program, UBC Language Sciences, the Centre for India and South Asia Research, the Department of Anthropology,...

  • “Is it safe to rebuild the gumba?” The politics and practice of landslide risk management in post-earthquake Nepal

    14th May 2019 5:00 

    This event is co-sponsored by the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, the Institute of Asian Research, and the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs. Abstract Landslides are a pervasive hazard in rural Nepal, where the impacts are manifest in very tangible ways: as a chronic threat to both lives and livelihoods; and via...

  • Sacred Himalaya in the Anthropocene

    25th Apr 2019 5:00 

    This event is a Green College Special Lecture that is co-sponsored by the Institute for Critical Indigenous Studies, the UBC Himalaya Program, and the UBC Department of Anthropology. Abstract Drawing from posthumanist, decolonial and Indigenous literature, this lecture addresses the concept of the Anthropocene in relation to sacred Himalayan landscapes to explore competing understandings of...

  • Carrying a Basket of Gold: A Historical Reflection on Buddhist Concepts and Ethics in Bhutan

    18th Mar 2019 5:30 

    This talk is co-sponsored with the Robert H.N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhism and Contemporary Society, UBC Department of Asian Studies, and Khyentse Foundation. Abstract What lies behind the idea and policies of Gross National Happiness (GNH) in Bhutan and how have Buddhist concepts and ethics been implemented on an institutional level in past...

  • Monasteries as Home: Facing Challenges of Modernization in Tibetan Monastic Education and Leadership

    25th Feb 2019 5:30 

    This talk is co-sponsored with the Khyentse Foundation, Siddhartha’s Intent, and the Robert H.N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhism and Contemporary Society. Abstract For well over 500 years in Tibet, the Buddhist monasteries stood at the center of Tibetan cultural, spiritual, artistic, economic and political life. Now, with many Tibetan monasteries relocated to India...

  • A Sino-Tibetan Buddhist Modernism: Religious Marketplace, Constellative Networking and Urbanism

    11th Feb 2019 5:30 

    Abstract As an increasing number of Tibetan lamas reach out to non-Tibetan populations in contemporary China, Tibetan Buddhism is undergoing various transformations especially in urban settings. As its engagement with many aspects of the Chinese society, such as higher education, social morality, philanthropy, environmental conservation, and modern science, the pattern of its transregional and trans-ethnic...

  • Quality Education and the Role of Digital Technology in Nepal

    17th Jan 2019 5:00 

    The talk is available to view online here. This talk is co-sponsored with the Centre for India & South Asia Research (CISAR), the Department of Language and Literacy Education (LLED), UBC Language Sciences, and the Nepal Library Foundation. Abstract Technological innovations have revolutionized the ways we communicate, exchange knowledge and ideas, and deliver goods and...

  • Mental Health in Bhutan: Listening for Bridges

    26th Nov 2018 5:00 

      Abstract  Western modes of understanding and treating mental illness arrived in Bhutan in the 1990’s and co-exist with traditional healing approaches based in Buddhism and an adaptation of Tibetan medicine.  In this talk Dr. Tietjen will discuss the state of mental health treatment in Bhutan today. Based on her experience of providing psychotherapy to...

  • Film screening: Deepak Rauniyar’s White Sun (Seto Surya) followed by Q&A

    13th Nov 2018 7:30 

    Purchase tickets for this event on the Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival website and use the code VIMFF-HIMAL to receive $2 off per ticket – or choose to donate it online to the Nepal Cultural Society of British Columbia! Film Synopsis When his father dies, anti-regime partisan Chandra travels to his remote mountain village after nearly...

  • More-than-Human Democracy: On the Political Lives of Cows, Rivers, Mountains, and Gods in India’s Central Himalaya

    1st Nov 2018 11:30 

    Abstract: This talk examines the ways in which nonhumans – mountains, rivers, cows, and gods – are drawn into politics as intentional, subjective actors in India. Through an examination of the inclusions and exclusions at the heart of this process, it probes the possibilities and limits of more-than-human democratic politics. About the Speaker: Radhika Govindrajan...

  • Air Pressure: Time and Aviation in Nepal

    12th Oct 2018 5:30 

    Event Description  How are aviation workers dealing with the growth of air travel in and out of Nepal? Over the past two decades, the number of aircraft, routes, and mobility has increased. However, air traffic controllers, operations staff, and crew find themselves under considerable pressure to deal with the increasing flow of passengers through a...

  • Himalaya Program Welcome Reception and Photo Exhibition Opening: Life with the Forest in Sikkim

    24th Sep 2018 5:00 

    Join the Himalaya Program for a Welcome Reception to mark the beginning of the 2018-2019 academic year and the opening of a photo exhibition by Saori Ogura, a PhD student at UBC Forestry. The reception will be held from 5:00 – 7:00PM in Room 1221, in the Forest Sciences Centre, with the exhibit on show in the...

  • The Canada China Free Trade Agreement and Tibet

    18th May 2018 9:30 

    Canada Tibet Committee and the UBC Himalaya Program invite you to a Workshop and Discussion Forum exploring human rights implications of the Canada-China Free Trade Agreement, in particular in relation to Tibet. Workshop participants will look at the Canada-China Free Trade Agreement through a human rights lens, with attention to Tibet as a case example....

  • Tibeto-Mongolian Buddhism: A Mongolian Perspective

    26th Mar 2018 6:00 

    The talk will examine Tibeto-Mongolian relations with a special focus on the issue of Tibetan Buddhist dissemination among the Mongols. The distinctive features of Buddhist practices in historical and present-day Mongolia will be discussed as well as the religious-political ties which characterize the Tibetan hierocratic system of the Dalai Lamas and which served as a monarchical model in Khalkha Mongolia in 1911 for the 8thJetsundamba. Lastly, the question of labelling...

  • Catastrophe in Context: Household Recoveries from the 2015 Nepal Earthquakes

    5th Mar 2018 6:00 

    The 2015 Nepal earthquakes had catastrophic impacts on the lives and property of Himalayan peoples. Join the UBC Himalaya Program as Dr. Spoon discusses his study which focuses on four settlements in two of the hardest hit districts with differing access, aid, and populations. We randomly selected 400 households in these locations and conducted two...

  • Lecture and Tibet Film Screening

    4th Feb 2018 3:30 

    The UBC Himalaya Program and the Tibetan Cultural Society of British Columbia (TCSBC) are excited to announce that we will be co-hosting a lecture by Dr. Losang Rabgey, Executive Director of Machik, an organization supporting communities on the Tibetan plateau, and a showing of the award-winning Tibetan documentary “Valley of the Heroes” by filmmaker Kashem...

  • Health Policy in Nepal

    29th Jan 2018 6:00 

    Join the UBC Himalaya Program for a roundtable discussion about health policy and practice in Nepal. Medical and public health professionals from UBC, University of Victoria, and the University of Washington explore the challenges and opportunities of working in Nepal, across fields including emergency care, family practice, health education, midwifery, and mental health. RSVP for the...

  • Voices of Contemporary Himalayan Literature: Manjushree Thapa and Tsering Wangmo Dhompa in Conversation

    20th Nov 2017 5:00 

    Find the archived video of this event here.  Join us for a conversation with two acclaimed Himalayan authors: Manjushree Thapa and Tsering Wangmo Dhompa! They will be discussing their recently published novels, short stories, poetry, and non-fiction, considering what it means to represent Nepal and Tibet in the English-language literary scene. Please RSVP for this...

  • Searching for the Right Buddha: Procedures for Locating Incarnations (tulkus) in Tibetan Historical Literature

    16th Oct 2017 5:00 

    UBC Himalaya Program is hosting a talk which will consider the topic of incarnate lamas (tulkus)—births of the same awakened consciousness in successive human bodies. It will focus particularly on the practices used to locate subsequent incarnations of deceased Tibetan lamas. These practices involve analyzing prophecies and divinations, as well as evaluating child tulku candidates in a...

  • Reconstruction and State Restructuring in Nepal after 2015: A Community Forum

    17th Sep 2017 2:00 

    Please note that this discussion will be held in Nepali, with Q&A to follow. Light refreshments will be served. Please RSVP for this event here. Parking details:,110 Please see directions to the UBC Robson Square Campus here. About the speakers:   Jeevan Baniya is a Researcher at Social Science Baha, a not-for profit research organization in Nepal. He...

  • Nepal’s Prolonged Transition: End in Sight?

    15th Sep 2017 5:30 

    Find the archived video of this event here.  Save the date for the first Himalaya Program event of the 2017-18 academic year! Join us for a lecture by Deepak Thapa, director of the Social Science Baha research institute in Kathmandu, and a well-known political analyst and commentator. Nepal has been undergoing a political transition since...

  • “Interconnected – Our Environment and Social (In)equality”

    22nd Jun 2017 3:00 

    The UBC Himalaya Program is hosting a dialogue between UBC faculty member Dr. Wade Davis (Department of Anthropology), and H.H. the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa. The title of this event is “Interconnected – Our Environment and Social (In)equality”. We are pleased to partner with the Karma Kagyu Association of Canada and Thrangu Monastery to welcome H.H....

  • Roundtable Discussion on Environmental Issues in Nepal

    31st May 2017 4:30 

    Roundtable with visiting dignitaries from the IDRC-supported Nepal Forest & Wildfire Management Project. These representatives are from the Nepal Department of Forests, Kathmandu Forestry College and the Nepal Forest Fire Management Chapter.

  • Trade between Tibet and the Tang Empire 

    31st Mar 2017 5:00 

    Zhemian (Ochre face) was originally an “ethnic description” of the facial makeup practices of the Tibetans, or Tubo, in the Tang History and other Chinese-language historical sources. Across two centuries of Tang-Tibetan interaction, “zhemian” influenced culture in Chang’an and the Central Plains.

  • Film Screening – Kesang Tseten’s ‘Trembling Mountain’

    13th Mar 2017 5:00 

    Please join us for a screening of Kesang Tseten's Trembling Mountain. Following the devastating earthquake in Nepal in 2015, Tseten documents the survivors' efforts to rebuild their lives and the numerous physical and financial obstacles they face.

  • The Flow and Ebb of Canadian Development Efforts in Nepal

    27th Feb 2017 5:00 

    Ivan Somlai is the Director of ETHNOBUREAUCRATICA and an Associate at the Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives at the University of Victoria. In his talk, Somlai will note some complexities, frustrations, and epiphanies arising from work with donor and host governments as he experienced them in development initiatives in Nepal since 1976.

  • At Home in the Green Mountains – Bhutanese Resettlement in Vermont

    6th Feb 2017 5:00 

    Pablo Bose, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography and the Director of the Global and Regional Studies Program at the University of Vermont. He is also the editor of Urban Geography (Urban Pulse Series).

  • Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Roundtable Discussion: Himalayan Research at UBC​

    23rd Jan 2017 5:00 

    This event is an interdisciplinary roundtable discussion featuring the research of several UBC graduate students. With participants from Humanities, Social Sciences, and Medicine, the roundtable will initiate conversations across disciplines and showcase exciting projects focusing on the Himalayan region from across the university. Stay tuned for further details! Discussion begins at 5pm.

  • Symposium and Film on Dalit Issues in Nepal

    22nd Dec 2016 4:30 

    Mr. Moti Lal Nepali, a Dalit activist from Nepal, will give a talk about the socio-political status of Dalits in Nepal. A short film, Yash Kumar’s Bato Muniko Phool – the Prologue (Flowers Under the Path – the Prologue), will be screened, revealing the daily struggles of Dalits in Nepali villages today. Dr. Drona Rasali will explain Nepaldalitinfo Network’s role in fostering awareness of Dalit issues in Nepal. Talk starts 4:30.

  • Artist’s Talk on Contemporary Tibetan Art

    1st Dec 2016 5:00 

    Tenzing Rigdol is a leading contemporary Tibetan artist and activist, born in Kathmandu, Nepal in 1982 to Tibetan refugee parents. Rigdol’s work has been exhibited in important galleries and museums in Europe and North America, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art. This event is sponsored by the Himalaya Program, the Contemporary Tibetan Studies Program, and the Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory.

  • The Science of Healing: Tibetan Medicine as Local Practice, National Heritage, and Global Brand

    7th Nov 2016 5:00 

    This talk engages these points of tension, discussing how Tibetan medicine remains at once a crucial form of local health care across Tibetan communities, a manifestation of national identity, and, increasingly, a globally available form of ‘traditional’ medicine in the 21st century. This event is sponsored by the Himalaya Program, the Contemporary Tibetan Studies Program, and the Department of Anthropology.

  • Nationalism, dogmatism, and what more: the crisis of vision in Nepali society

    22nd Sep 2016 4:00 

    Diwakar Acharya's talk will tackle the questions of why the creative potential of Nepal’s resources, natural as well as human, is not unleashed, and why In spite of some positive outcome of political awareness, the leadership everybody wished for is still lacking. This event is sponsored by the Himalaya Program, the Centre for Indian and South Asian Research, and the Department of Asian Studies. Reception at 4, talk starts 4:30.

  • UBC Himalaya Program Launch Reception

    29th Apr 2016 5:00 

    Please join the UBC Himalaya Program and the Curator for Asia at the Museum of Anthropology for a reception to celebrate the launch of the Himalaya Program at UBC.

  • Changing Experience and Interpretation of Menstruation in Nepal: An Intergenerational Perspective

    28th Apr 2016 12:30 

    This presentation seeks to explore changes in the lives of women in Nepal, including women’s self image, gender role and the relations between women and men during the last 50 years. It focuses on menstruation, which is a key dimension of gender and womanhood. This paper then relates such transition to the changing socio-economic processes and argues that a new womanhood is in the making in Nepal. Light lunch served.

  • The Democratic Transition in Nepal

    26th Apr 2016 3:00 

    What are the causes and correlates of democracy? The presentation will begin by reviewing key theories of democracy, corresponding to the three waves of democratization in world history. It will then describe specific and evolving political and economic features, which were associated with the republican and democratic turn in Nepal in 2006. Among others, it will review the significance of capitalism, changes in the mode of generation of livelihood, nature of the peasantry, de-ruralization, class structure, post-1990 political structure, the Maoist ‘people’s war’ as well as the role of India and other countries in the 2006 democratic turn. It will argue that the Nepal case has specific lessons for broader theories of democracy.

  • Five Years after the Ladakh Flood: At the Intersections of Coping, Adaptation and Re-Experienced Trauma

    30th Mar 2016 5:00 

    We're asking if coping strategies of 2010 eroded the foundation for adaptation today, using in-depth interviews as well as narratives from flood survivors, community leaders and students away from home who experienced disaster “secondhand” through extensive media coverage.

  • Memories of Trust Broken: Representation, Fragmentation, and the Cultural Politics of Environmental Activism in India

    18th Jan 2016 12:30 

    This discussion examines critical issues of distrust in social movements as a means to better understand struggles for social and environmental change. Co-sponsored by the Department of Anthropology and the Centre for India and South Asia Research.