Dreams of Equality and Nepal’s Federal Constitution: Experiences of Indigenous Peoples and Marginalized Communities

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Equality is one of the cherished dreams of ordinary people in Nepal. This is expressed in various registers, from everyday folk prose and songs to high political aspirations. The 2015 Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal promised equality to its citizens in several forms. On the eve of the Constitution’s 10th anniversary, Dr. Mukta Lama reflects upon people’s experiences, particularly of Indigenous and marginalized communities, on the country’s journey towards its collective dream.

About the Speaker: 

Dr. Lama, who hails from Nepal, holds broad-based expertise in social research, international development, and public policy. He is an anthropologist and teaches at Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu. His doctoral research at Cornell University centered on Himalayan indigeneity, looking at the Indigenous peoples’ movement that seeks to reform the state for social justice, inclusion and autonomy. His background further spans work with the ILO and legislatures, work with the National Foundation for Development of Indigenous Nationalities (NFDIN) and the Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development. He currently serves as an expert advisor to the Indigenous Nationalities Commission in Nepal to draft a national policy for Indigenous peoples in Nepal.

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