Roundtable with Delegates from the Nepal Forestry Service

Speakers: Delegates from the Nepal Forestry Service

During the forestry roundtable, visiting dignitaries from the Nepal Forestry Service provided insight into the ongoing environmental issue of human-created wildfires in Nepal. The wildfires contribute significant carbon emissions and convert Nepal’s forested areas to agricultural land. Related environmental issues that arise include species and habitat loss, landslides and uncontrolled wildfires that damage large areas of land. Wildfire smoke may additionally pose significant long-term health complications for Nepali citizens and citizens of nearby countries that are affected by the smoke. The Nepal Forestry Service will complete their study of the wildfires in October, and plan to submit their findings to the Nepali government in order to push for government policy changes, citizen educational campaigns, and action.

This event was sponsored by the Himalaya Program and the Department for Asian Studies.


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