Artist’s Talk on Contemporary Tibetan Art
This talk on Contemporary Tibetan art with Tenzing Rigdol was hosted in the Frederic Lasserre Building and was well-attended. Renowned contemporary Tibetan artist, Tenzing Rigdol, discussed the practice and method behind his avant-garde artwork. In the talk, he addressed the importance of the placement of elements and medium, linking Degas’ ballerinas to the form and […]
The Science of Healing: Tibetan Medicine as Local Practice, National Heritage, and Global Brand
In this talk, Sienna Craig described the diverse and expansive system of Tibetan medicine. She tied the philosophies of health and illness to those of Tibetan Buddhist philosophy, and how the aims of these philosophies converge to alleviate suffering. Craig also explained that Tibetan medicine, also called Sowa Rigpa, exists across temporal and spatial scales, […]
Nationalism, Dogmatism, and What More: The Crisis of Vision in Nepali Society
Speaker: Diwakar Acharya As a Nepali citizen who has lived abroad for several years, Acharya used his insider/outsider perspective and knowledge of Hindu philosophy to comment upon Nepal’s current political situation. Drawing upon comparative experiences in both Japan and the UK, Acharya suggested that Nepal’s political upheaval has been exacerbated by a turning away from […]
UBC Himalaya Program Launch: Sunny Evening Reception
The UBC Himalaya Program Launch Reception at MOA’s Haida House brought together almost 70 diverse faculty, students, and community members in timely, interdisciplinary dialogue. The event provided an opportunity to honour and introduce the many people who have made the Himalaya Program possible.
Dr. Mira Mishra: A Brave Presentation About Women’s Experiences
Dr. Mira Mishra wove together research and personal narratives to explicate connections between patriarchy and Nepali society’s response to menstruation. She outlined the intergenerational changes in traditions and understandings of menstruation among women in Nepal.
Dr. Chaitanya Mishra: A Talk that Transcended Disciplinary and Regional Boundaries
In this very well-attended lecture, Dr. Chaitanya Mishra tied his examination of Nepal’s recent political history to trends and dynamics on a global scale, resulting in a presentation and subsequent discussion that transcended disciplinary and regional boundaries. Topics covered included agrarian change, the role of remittances in shaping political transformation, and the role of geopolitics in Nepal’s transition to democracy.
Dr. Nancy Chin and Phunchok Namgial: A Collaborative Discussion on Coping, Adaptation and Resilience
In her research on Ladakh in the years after the 2010 flood, Dr. Nancy Chin has examined the relationship between coping and adaptation. Dr. Chin’s receptivity to audience questions and suggestions fostered an intellectually stimulating and open discussion about disaster, poverty, climate change, and culture.
Dr. Georgina Drew: The UBC Himalaya Program Hosts Our First Speaker Series Event!
While her talk dealt in particular with the way memories of environmental movements in the past impact the way people perceive and engage with environmental movements in the present, Dr. Georgina Drew’s ethnographic account of such dynamics grounded in the state of Uttarakhand, spoke more broadly about human nature and the malleability of memory.